There are significant inherent risks in the mining sector, particularly in underground mining, Volcan believes that proper management of health and safety is vital for the sustainability of its operations.
Therefore, the Company ensures the meticulous identification and evaluation of hazards and risks to health and safety in all of its activities in order to minimize the occurrence of accidents that could endanger its workers.
The adequate management of health and safety is vital for the sustainability of Volcan’s operations. Therefore, the Company guarantees the meticulous identification of hazards and the evaluation of risks to health and safety for all its activities, with the aim of minimizing accidents and incidents for collaborators involved in all aspects of our operations.
Volcan’s Occupational Safety Management System is based on four fundamental pillars:
• Continuous identification of dangers and risk evaluation: pre existing conditions in the work environment that follow the Company’s standards
• Theoretical and practical knowledge for the development of work-related aptitudes, and skills
• Risk prevention, safety, and occupational health
• Each worker’s safe conduct
Volcan identifies, evaluates and controls the risk of occupational illnesses among employees. Likewise, Volcan develops programs for mandatory workplace medical examinations throughout its organization.
Healthcare staff on hand at Company mining units include qualified physicians, nurses, psychologists, paramedics and dentists, who ensure proper care of personnel for both outpatient-care and emergencies.