This web site has been created by Volcan Compañía Minera S.A.A. with the purpose of informing the users about the terms and conditions that are applicable to the use of this web page.
Volcan respects the privacy of clients and web page users.
Volcan is not responsible for, nor it guarantees that, the contents, information and instruments of its web page are up to date or complete and does not accept responsibility for damages caused by eventual errors of content or equipment failures.
The use of all the resources in the web, without exception, are entire responsibility of the client or the web page user in the Internet.
Volcan reserves the right to make any change that it considers convenient with regard to its Privacy Policy at any moment without previous advice.
Our web page saves the names, emails and other personal information from its clients and users only when said information has been sent through online forms such as the forms for subscription or registration to our email list. Said information is used only and exclusively by Volcan and is not shared, transferred or sold to third persons, unless the clients or users choose to receive information from related organizations, in which case Volcan only shares the name, email and address.
Our web page also registers the IP addresses of all the persons that visit our web page. An IP address is a number that is assigned automatically by your computer when you use the Internet. We use the IP addresses to facilitate the problem diagnosis of our server, to administrate our site, analyze the tendencies, carry out a follow up of the movements of a user and to gather general demographic information with the purpose of constantly improving our web site and delivering personalized standard procedure in the majority of places in the web servers.
When using the web site, you accept our privacy policy according to the terms before mentioned. The current policy may be changed in any moment without previous advice. We request you to read this polity before sending personal information if any concern about way of gathering and use of information.